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Frozen Products
Shredded Thin Dough
Ground Kunafa (Mafruka)
10 Puff Pastry Square
Puff Pastry Square (Whole Wheat)
15 Puff Pastry Square (Low Fat)
Puff Pastry 20 +10 Family
Fillo Thin Leaves
Puff Pastry Block
Small Pizza Crust
Big Pizza Crust
Spring Roll Pastry (Small)
Spring Roll Pastry (Large)
Samboosah Dough Sheets
Sambosah Dough Sheets ( With Oil )
Soft Samboosah Dough
Square Pastry Sheets
Mutabbaq Sheets Big
Mutabbaq Sheets Small
Kubba Meat Mini
Packed Maamoul
Choco Bar
Choco Maamoul
Cookies Apple & Cinnamon
Cookies Strawberry
Date Maamoul 320gm
Date Maamoul 500gm
Date Maamoul Al-Hijaz
Date Maamoul Family
Date Maamoul Family (Whole Wheat)
Date Maamoul Whole Wheat 320g
Date Maamoul Whole Wheat 500g
Mini Maamoul Apple & Cinnamon
Mini Maamoul Date
Mini Maamoul Strawberry
Snack Maamoul
Baklawa Box 900g
Baklawa Big Box 1250g
Baklawa With Nuts-Kg
Pistachio Nest-Kg
Cashew Nest-Kg
Red Bloria Cashew-Kg
Red Bloria Pistachio-Kg
Bloria White With pistachio-Kg
Burma Pistachio-Kg
Asia Pistachio-Kg
Asia Cashew-Kg
Cashew Fingers-Kg
Kl Washakar Pistachio-Kg
Warbat Pistachio-kg
Fresh Maamoul
Big Maamoul Dates 1Kg
Small Maamoul Dates-Kg
Date Maamoul Semolina Sesame 1kg
Maamoul Ka’ak Rings 850g
Maamoul with date & pistachio 1k
Mixed Maamoul Walnut Pistachio Dates 950g
pistachio Maamoul 1Kg
Pistachio Maamoul-Kg
Kunafa Cheese-Kg
Kunafa with Cream-Kg
Kunafa Othmalia with Cream-Kg
Kunafa ben Narain With Cream-Kg
kunafa Arabi With Nuts-kg
Kunafa with Notella – Kg
Ghoraiba & Kaak
Ghoraiba with cream 1kg
Plain Ghoraiba-Kg
Plain Ka’ak 1 kg
Shami Pastries
Basbosah Nutella-Kg
Basbousa With Nuts-Kg
Basbosa Sada-Kg
Basbosa Laban-kg
Basbousa Hazelnuts – Kg
Basbosa Cups With Cream-Kg
Basbosa With Cream-Kg
Balah Sham-kg
Znood Alsit -Kg
Warbat With Cream Big Size-kg
Warbat With Cream small size-kg
Warbat Pistachio-kg
Halawa Cheese-kg
Ayon Al Maha-Kg
Basbousa With Nuts-Kg
Basbosah Nutella-Kg
Basbosa With Cream-Kg
Basbosa Cups With Cream-Kg
Basbosa Hazelnuts – Kg
Basbosa Laban-kg
Basbosa Sada-Kg
Basbousa with Date-Kg
Other Pastries
French Desserts-Kg
Mafrouka With Cream-Kg
Coffee Desserts-Kg
Basbousa With Nuts-Kg
Nescafe Dessert-Kg
London Desserts-Kg
Basbosa With Cream-Kg
Ramadan Pastries
Basbosah Nutella-Kg
Mafrouka With Cream-Kg
Basbousa With Nuts-Kg
Qatayef Dough-Kg
Qatayef Qeshta-Kg
Qatayef With Walnuts-Kg
Balah Sham-kg
Halawa Cheese-kg
Kunafa Othmalia with Cream-Kg
Mini Sandwiches & Pies
Mix Mini Sandwiches 1kg
Mixed Fatayer Cheese Thyme Pizza Sausages 1kg
Savory Crackers & Dates
Mix Dates with Snickers Cream 850g
Almond Stuffed Date 950 g
Savoury Crackers – Small Box
Savoury Crackers – Big Box
Stuffed Frozen
Spring Rolls Cheese 1KG/30 Pcs
Chicken Stuffed Spring Rolls 1KG/30 Pcs
Spring Rolls Vegetables 1KG/30 Pcs
Meat Stuffed Samboosah 1KG / 30Pcs
Cheese Stuffed Samboosah 1KG/30 Pcs
Chicken Stuffed Samboosah 1KG
Sambosa Puff Spinach-40Pcs
Sambosa Puff Akawi Cheese 40Pcs
Stuffed Kubba – Meat
kubbah Chicken 16pcs
Vegetables Stuffed Samboosah 1KG/30 Pcs
Vine Leaves
Vine Leaves box 2Kg
Petit Fours
Petit Fours Vanilla Fingers With Chocolate-Kg
Petit Fours Coconut-Kg
Petit Fours Coconut With Chocolate-Kg
Petit Fours Pistachio Nuts-Kg
Petit Fours Almonds-Kg
Petit Fours Vanilla With Peanut-Kg
Petit Fours Vanilla With Peanut and Coconut-Kg
Petit Fours Pistachio and Sesame-Kg
Petit Fours Chocolate Peanut-Kg
Petit Fours Strawberry Jam-Kg
Petit Fours Plain Chocolate-Kg
Petit Fours Cashew-Kg
Petit Fours Cinnamon-Kg
Petit Fours Red Velvet-Kg
Black Forest-Pcs
Chocolate Sacher Cake-Pcs
Honey Cake-Pcs
Blueberry Cheesecake-Pcs
Boule Chocolate-Pcs
Butter Cream Cake-Pcs
Caramel Cake-pcs
Chocolate Cake-Pcs
Double Chocolate Mousse-Pcs
Chocolate Raspberry Mousse-Pcs
White Chocolate Mango cake-Pcs
Double Mousse Cake-Pcs
Lotus Cake-Pcs
Lotus Mousse cake-Pcs
Lotus Red Velvet-Pcs
Marble Cake-Pcs
Pistachio Cake-Pcs
Oreo Lotus-Pcs
Raspberry Chocolate-Pcs
Raspberry Chocolate CheeseCake-Pcs
Red Velvet-Pcs
Snickers Cake-Pcs
Strawberry Cake-Pcs
Dark Velvet-Pcs
Toffee Cake-Pcs
Purple Velvet-Pcs
Black Forest-Torta
Caramel Cake-Torta
Cookies and Cream-Torta
Cookies and Cream-Torta
Mango Mousse-Torta
Raspberry CheeseCake-Torta
Raspberry Cream Cake-Torta
Red Velvet Cake-Torta
Snickers Cake-Torta
Strawberry CheeseCake-Torta
Vanilla Coconut-Pcs
White Forest-Pcs
Chocolate Sacher – Pcs
Chocolate Mousse – Pcs
Belgian Chocolate
Cheese Cake Chocolate-Kg
Nescafe Chocolate-Kg
Peanut Chocolate-Kg
Vanilla Chocolate-Kg
Chocolate Caramel-Kg
Oreo Chocolate-Kg
Kinder Chocolate-Kg
Chocolate Almond-Kg
Chocolate Hazelnut-Kg
Chocolate Cardamom-Kg
Icecream & ِArabic Bosa
Bozza Arabi With Pistachios- kg
Bozzah Arabi Plain-Kg
Basbosah Nutella-Kg
Basbosa Cups With Cream-Kg
Blueberry Ice Cream-Kg
Kit Kat Ice Cream-Kg
Chocolate Biscuit Ice Cream-Kg
Oreo Ice Cream-Kg
Strawberry Ice Cream-Kg
Chocolate Ice Cream-Kg
Melon Ice Cream-Kg
Mango Ice Cream-Kg
M & M’s Ice Cream-Kg
Coffe IceCream-Kg
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Frozen Products
Shredded Thin Dough
Ground Kunafa (Mafruka)
Spring Roll Pastry (Small)
Spring Roll Pastry (Large)
Small Pizza Crust
Big Pizza Crust
Samboosah Dough Sheets
Sambosah Dough Sheets ( With Oil )
Soft Samboosah Dough
Puff Pastry 20 +10 Family
Puff Pastry Square (Whole Wheat)
Puff Pastry Block
15 Puff Pastry Square (Low Fat)
Square Pastry Sheets
10 Puff Pastry Square
Kubba Meat Mini
Fillo Thin Leaves
Packed Maamoul
Choco Bar
Choco Maamoul
Cookies Apple & Cinnamon
Cookies Strawberry
Date Maamoul 320gm
Date Maamoul 500gm
Date Maamoul Al-Hijaz
Date Maamoul Family
Date Maamoul Family (Whole Wheat)
Date Maamoul Whole Wheat 320g
Date Maamoul Whole Wheat 500g
Mini Maamoul Apple & Cinnamon
Mini Maamoul Date
Mini Maamoul Strawberry
Snack Maamoul
Baklawa Box 900g
Baklawa Big Box 1250g
Fresh Maamoul
Big Maamoul Dates 1Kg
Date Maamoul Semolina Sesame 1kg
Maamoul Ka’ak Rings 850g
Maamoul with date & pistachio 1k
Mixed Maamoul Walnut Pistachio Dates 950g
pistachio Maamoul 1Kg
Pistachio Maamoul-Kg
Ghoraiba & Kaak
Ghoraiba with cream 1kg
Plain Ghoraiba-Kg
Plain Ka’ak 1 kg
Mini Sandwiches & Pies
Mix Mini Sandwiches 1kg
Mixed Fatayer Cheese Thyme Pizza Sausages 1kg
Savory Crackers & Dates
Savoury Crackers – Small Box
Savoury Crackers – Big Box
Almond Stuffed Date 950 g
Mix Dates with Snickers Cream 850g
Stuffed Frozen
Spring Rolls Cheese 1KG/30 Pcs
Chicken Stuffed Samboosah 1KG
Chicken Stuffed Spring Rolls 1KG/30 Pcs
Cheese Stuffed Samboosah 1KG/30 Pcs
Stuffed Kubba – Meat
Meat Stuffed Samboosah 1KG / 30Pcs
Vegetables Stuffed Samboosah 1KG/30 Pcs
Spring Rolls Vegetables 1KG/30 Pcs
Vine Leaves
Vine Leaves box 2Kg
Petit Fours
Vanilla Petit Fours with Chocolate – kg
Black Forest-Pcs
Black Forest-Torta
Blueberry Cheesecake-Pcs
Boule Chocolate-Pcs
Butter Cream Cake-Pcs
Caramel Cake-pcs
Caramel Cake-Torta
Chocolate Cake-Pcs
Double Chocolate Mousse-Pcs
Chocolate Raspberry Mousse-Pcs
Cookies and Cream-Torta
Cookies and Cream-Torta
White Chocolate Mango cake-Pcs
Double Mousse Cake-Pcs
Lotus Cake-Pcs
Lotus Mousse cake-Pcs
Lotus Red Velvet-Pcs
Mango Mousse-Torta
Marble Cake-Pcs
Oreo Lotus-Pcs
Pistachio Cake-Pcs
Raspberry Chocolate-Pcs
Raspberry CheeseCake-Torta
Raspberry Chocolate CheeseCake-Pcs
Raspberry Cream Cake-Torta
Red Velvet-Pcs
Red Velvet Cake-Torta
Snickers Cake-Pcs
Snickers Cake-Torta
Strawberry Cake-Pcs
Strawberry CheeseCake-Torta
Toffee Cake-Pcs
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